If you are on facebook, please go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/pages/Shellz-Snipitz/44770287557 and add my fan page. If the link doesn't work, just do a search for Shellz Snipitz
If you aren't on facebook, get on there! What's the hold up? ;o)
People tell me all the time I should turn what I call "boredom" into a way to make money. I just like making stuff, should I really charge for keeping myself busy? But the question has always been, how do I market my things? No way I can afford a booth or kiosk at a craft show. The local flea market maybe? Doubtful. So, here it is, my "craft" (otherwise known as boredom). My creations. My Snipits. Shellz-Snipitz