My sister introduced me to a new craze called ATCs. It stands for Artist Trading Cards. You get involved in "swaps" with people all across the world. You join the swaps that interest you, and must follow the rules laid out in the swap. Each card is 2.5x3.5 inches. Quite small, and easy to mail. Plus for those of us who LOVE to get stuff in the mail (other than junk and bills) this is great!

Before I got involved in an actual swap I wanted to know what was involved so my sister and I did our own little swap. This (above) was the first picture I made for it. The rules were we had to put something in the picture that started with each of the other's initials. She and her husband enjoy bike riding and she loves Octopi, so I incorporated those in (with a little creative license of course)
Then I was ready to start swappin'! The card below was the first one I did for an "official" swap.

The rules of the swap were you had to put one word - any word somewhere on the card. Once we were assigned partners I went in and read my partner's profile to find out what she liked and disliked. She was into "horror" flicks and a big fan of Vincent Price. She also had a link to her personal blog which was done in purple and black, so I assumed those were colors she enjoyed and used those as well. The word I used was "chilling" but stamped it so it looked like it was falling, melting, smoking - whatever you want to call it. Since it was my first official one, I sure hope she likes it!
This next one was my 2nd official swap. The theme was bees.

There wasn't really anything on this partner's profile that led me down specifics, but it was a bumble bee swap - so I just stuck with the bumble bee theme.
Now I'm working on an anything goes ATC, but I still go and look at the person's profile to find what her likes and dislikes are. I hope my partners give me the same courtesy and I will FLIP out if I get anything with glitter on it - and my profile clearly states - in more than one place to NOT send glitter...
The website is and there are the ATC swaps of course, but there are others as well. There are bookmark swaps, books swaps, postcard swaps, just about anything you could imagine. You can see my profile here:
You may need to be a member to see it, I'm not sure - Hope to see you swappin' soon!